How to Draw like Disney Free Course!
Hi, I am Nina Blangstrup and Welcome to my FREE 'How to Draw like Disney Course!'
In this course you will learn how to draw characters in a Disney-style. And when you are done you will know how to construct a character and make it look like one of your friends. You will also learn how to make your character express different emotions.
It's very simple, so you can just get started by pressing the first video! But before you do Please Support my Art Work by Sharing with your friends on Social Media.
Consider donating to me via Paypal or You can share my art via a visit to my Youtube, Facebook or Instagram or by using hashtag or tagging me:
#ninablangstrup #ninablang #byninae
I also highly recommend you become part of My Art Community on Facebook, where artists support each other in improving.
Lesson 1 - Draw an Eye!
In Lesson One you will learn How to Draw an Eye like Disney! The lesson is a quick lesson to get you started and feel confident about the rest of the course!
Materials needed:
- A Graphite Pencil
- Paper
- Coloured Pencils (Optional)
- An Eraser
- A White Pencil for Blending or a Blending Pencil
- Patience and Will to Learn! <3
Let's get started! Press the video and follow the instructions! Come back, when you are ready for the next lesson!
Your homework: Practice Drawing 3 Eyes! And try to Draw an Eye from memory!
"Little by Little one Travels Far" - J.R.R. Tolkien
Lesson 2 - Constructing the Head!
In Lesson Two you will learn How to Draw a Head like Disney! When you know how to draw a head you will later be able to put the facial features in the right way. Also, you will learn to draw the head from different angles.
Materials needed:
- A Graphite Pencil
- Paper
- Coloured Pencils (Optional)
- An Eraser
- A White Pencil for Blending or a Blending Pencil
- Patience and Will to Learn! <3
Let's get started! Press the video and follow the instructions! Come back, when you are ready for the next lesson!
Your Homework: Draw a Head from ALL angles and practise doing it from memory!
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”
- Walt Disney
Lesson 3 - Drawing BOTH Eyes from any Angle!
In Lesson Three you will learn How to Draw both eyes like Disney! But WHY draw both eyes - I just did one eye in the beginning of this course. Well, now you will learn how to place them on the head and how to draw them from the side. Go ahead and get ready!
Materials needed:
- A Graphite Pencil
- Paper
- Coloured Pencils (Optional)
- An Eraser
- A White Pencil for Blending or a Blending Pencil
- Patience and Will to Learn! <3
Let's get started! Press the video and follow the instructions! Come back, when you are ready for the next lesson!
Your homework: Practise draw eyes from different angles and try to draw different types of eyes.
"Everything you can imagine can become real" - Pablo Picasso
Lesson 4 - Drawing the Cute Disney Nose
In Lesson Four you will learn How to Draw a Nose like Disney! And of course you will learn how to draw it from any angle and how to place the nose on the head of your character.
Materials needed:
- A Graphite Pencil
- Paper
- Coloured Pencils (Optional)
- An Eraser
- A White Pencil for Blending or a Blending Pencil
- Patience and Will to Learn! <3
Let's get started! Press the video and follow the instructions! Come back, when you are ready for the next lesson!
Your Homework: Draw a million noses in different shapes and sizes and place them on the heads you draw!
“Since I was a little child I thought my nose was too big”
- Celine Dion
Lesson 5 - Smile and Draw a Mouth!
In Lesson Five you will learn How to Draw a mouth like Disney! Drawing the mouth is easy - until you have to make it open! In this lesson I will show you how to draw a simple mouth. Also you will learn how to place it on the head!
Materials needed:
- A Graphite Pencil
- Paper
- Coloured Pencils (Optional)
- An Eraser
- A White Pencil for Blending or a Blending Pencil
- Patience and Will to Learn! <3
Let's get started! Press the video and follow the instructions! Come back, when you are ready for the next lesson!
Your homework: Try looking yourself in the mirror. And try drawing the Disney mouth in different position; Open, closed, smiling, kissing. Experiment and find inspiration online!
"Everything you can imagine can become real" - Pablo Picasso
Lesson 6 - The Ears and Hair
In Lesson Six you will learn How to Draw ears and hair like Disney! Drawing the ears is VERY simple, but the hair will have a HUGE impact on how your character looks like. In this video I will show you how to draw a girls hair. But later in this course you will learn how to draw hair for a guy too!
Materials needed:
- A Graphite Pencil
- Paper
- Coloured Pencils (Optional)
- An Eraser
- A White Pencil for Blending or a Blending Pencil
- Patience and Will to Learn! <3
Let's get started! Press the video and follow the instructions! Come back, when you are ready for the next lesson!
Your Homework: Try experimenting with different styles of hair. Go and observe how different cartoon characters have different hairstyles.
“Have No Fear of Perfection - You will never reach it!”
- Salvador Dalí
Lesson 7 - Ink and Colour!
In Lesson Seven you will learn How to Ink and Colour your character! All sketching work must eventually be brought to life by inking and colouring. In this lesson you will ink and colour your character.
Materials needed:
- A Graphite Pencil
- Paper
- Coloured Pencils (Optional)
- An Eraser
- A White Pencil for Blending or a Blending Pencil
- Patience and Will to Learn! <3
Let's get started! Press the video and follow the instructions! Come back, when you are ready for the next lesson!
Your homework: Go to Nina's Youtube channel and look around for other tutorials that can help you develop as an artist. Try checking out her tutorial on different skintones!
"Where words fail, art speaks" - H.C. Andersen
Lesson 8 - Male and Female Differences
In Lesson Eight you will learn How to Draw both the male and female face like Disney! And the differences! Drawing a bigger JAW and NOSE will make your character look more male. And of course there is the hair length!
Materials needed:
- A Graphite Pencil
- Paper
- Coloured Pencils (Optional)
- An Eraser
- A White Pencil for Blending or a Blending Pencil
- Patience and Will to Learn! <3
Let's get started! Press the video and follow the instructions! Come back, when you are ready for the next lesson!
Your Homework: Try exaggerating the different features to see if you can make your characters look MORE feminine or masculine!
“Creativity takes Courage”
- Henri Matisse
Lesson 9 - Draw Your Friends or Design your Own Character!
In Lesson Nine we will have FUN! You will learn How to draw your friends like Disney! You will need to find a photo of your friend and observe how they look. Take your time and give the drawing to your friend as a present. You can also draw your family members or a celebrity.
Materials needed:
- A Graphite Pencil
- Paper
- Coloured Pencils (Optional)
- An Eraser
- A White Pencil for Blending or a Blending Pencil
- Patience and Will to Learn! <3
Let's get started! Press the video and follow the instructions! Come back, when you are ready for the next lesson!
Your homework: Find a reference photo of a friend, a family member or a celebrity and draw them using ALL that you have learned. Observe and add the special features of YOUR subject OR invent your own characters from imagination!
"It's important to do something every day that will make you happy" - Bob Ross
Lesson 10 - Male and Female Differences
In Lesson 10 you will learn How to Draw facial expressions like Disney! Knowing a few things about what makes a smile or a frown can really lift the way your drawings look from boring resting face to a bright and cool expression!
Materials needed:
- A Graphite Pencil
- Paper
- Coloured Pencils (Optional)
- An Eraser
- A White Pencil for Blending or a Blending Pencil
- Patience and Will to Learn! <3
Let's get started! Press the video and follow the instructions! Come back, when you are ready for the next lesson!
Your Homework: Draw all the expressions in the video! And after that: Combine and Play around!
“Eagles are basicalle the cats of the sky”
- Jonathan Blangstrup
Congratulations! You did it!
If you made it this far you can be really proud of yourself! And now you are hopefully A LOT better at drawing like Disney!
Having the knowledge of actually drawing by yourself instead of copying off others you are now able to call yourself an artist. All you have to do now is PRACTISE! I have a FREE course teaching everyone drawing realistic Portraits here on my homepage - go check it out!
But before you do Please Support my Art Work by Sharing with your friends on Social Media.
Consider donating to me via Paypal or You can share my art via a visit to my Youtube, Facebook or Instagram or by using hashtag or tagging me:
#ninablangstrup #ninablang #byninae
I also highly recommend you become part of My Art Community on Facebook, where artists support each other in improving.